Under Construction

Under Construction


Well hello there!

As posted before, this website Tras Nuevos Horizontes yet only has some rudimentary functionalities – but there is more to come, please be patient…

Anyhow, we are on the edge of our journey and it is just a month left to finish up life in europe before we start travelling through asia for almost a year. And who are we? Well on our Motivation page we tell you a bit about ourselves.

Along our adventure we will try to collect the funny, crazy or sad stories that we stumble upon and report about our experiences on our Blog Towards New Horizons | Our journey through Asia

If you want to start right from the beginning and explore with us Singapore, then click here: Singapore |  Past meets Future | Experience Asia Light

If you are more interested in a specific country, just look for it in the menu under the tab “route” and start exploring. You can also follow along our journey and the stops we make on our Travel Map

What “under construction” means in other parts of the world … – who needs expensive equipment if he got skill and some rhythmic coworkers?

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