Author Archives: TrasNuevosHorizontes

Das waren ein paar so aufregende Tage, dass es eh viel zu schwer fällt das alles zusammenzufassen. Deswegen muss ich die ganzen dramatischen Geschichten und Wendungen leider arg abkürzen und teilweise unter den Tisch fallen lassen. Daher zunächst einmal nur so viel. Am 1.August wollten wir nach Ubud, dort unsere auf Bali lebende Freundin treffen.

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Visa Indonesia Bali Immigration

Just a very short update – instead of relaxing in the Yoga capital of Bali, Ubud, we completely occupied by making our VISA extension possible. Its a very complicated story and today I don’t have the time for details. But check by tomorrow again to read more about the never ending story of corruption in indonesia… – and what it means if the entire state goes on holiday for about 2 weeks 😉 Our personal travel guide for you: Our recommendations (accommodation, what to do, and much more) about Ubud on Bali? Travel Guide Ubud | Towards New Horizons Do you need to extend your VISA in Bali? Detailled description of your VISA extension (VISA on arrival or Social VISA) in Indonesia Travel Guide – How to extend your Social VISA or VISA on Arrival in Indonesia | Towards New Horizons
